I thought you may find this post of interest regarding my procedure for running in a brand new engine.
I commented on a post in a Kombi Club thread Original Kombi Club Post
"You asked about running in a new engine, so I presume it is yet to be started, so if it is all new the only thing you have to do is to burnish the camshaft and lifters as one unit. Now this is only if you have had a new cam or lifters or both installed.
When you first start the engine the camshaft will be turning and the lifters must rotate in the bores to properly burnish them as a match set. Now depending on the valve spring tension and the cam profile, this will happen at about 2200 rpm's. It is imperative that the lifters rotate in the lifter bore otherwise they will end up prematurely wearing a groove in the lifter face which will in turn tear the lobes off the camshaft. I would normally run in an engine for about 15 minutes. This is usually done my me in 3 x 5 minute intervals so the engine is kept at a sensible temperature. Remember you may not know how close the initial tune up may be. You can start and stop the engine as many times as you like, just do not idle the engine for any longer than 10 - 15 seconds. If you have any oil or fuel leaks, turn the engine off and repair them as necessary.
I like to continually rev the engine between 2000 and 3000 rpm's for these 3 x 5 minute periods so the lifters will rotate at different speeds in the bores so I can guarantee that they are turning. I also keep altering the revs to pump fuel into the engine to keep the engine as cool as possible. If you keep the rev's at a constant speed of say 2500 rpm's , the engine may be lean and therefore be starting to overheat the heads and the rest of the engine . I would do the first 5 minute period and than walk away for 1/2 hr or 1/2 a day, it depends on you.
The aim is to keep the engine as cool as possible and to not let it idle. I do idle it for 10 seconds to check the timing if necessary, but no longer than this. You can start and stop it 100 times you will not hurt it as long as you have confirmed oil pressure. If this is what you were asking I hope this info is helpful, if you have already run in the engine please disregard this info. I would normally do about 50 - 100 km's on the engine and than drop the oil, re-set the valve adjustment and change the oil filter if present, and you are good to go for every 5000 km's before the next service.
By this time the engine is ready to drive normally , however I would take it a little easier on the rpm's of the first 500 - 1000 km's as if something is going to let go , I would prefer it to let go at 3000 rpm's and not 6000 rpm's , good luck "